“Why F#?” by F# Weekly


“To be, or not to be”
William Shakespeare

Why people choose F#?  This is actually an interesting question. Everyone, who does not use it yet, should find a reason that will force him to try F# or even start use it in production. New posts like ‘Why F#’ have begun to appear more often. It is a good time to collect all thoughts in one  post and give a way to think about F# one more time.

The latest thoughts about F#:

  1. Does the language you choose make a difference?” by Simon Cousins.
  2. F# end to end” by Colin Bull.
  3. Why bugs don’t like F#” by Simon Cousins.
  4. Why F#?” by Dave Fancher. (Hacker News)
  5. F#: Already Engineered for Testability” by Jack Fox.
  6. Using F# for teching” by F# Software Foundation.
  7. Why use F#?” by FsharpForFunAndProfit.com

Pay attention to the publishing date – things might have changed.

A little bit earlier thoughts:

  1. Why F# is the language for data mining” by Yin Zhu.
  2. Why F#? with Richard Minerich and Phillip Trelford” by Scott Hanselman.
  3. Microsoft’s F#: 10 Reasons Why It’s a Hot Programming Language for Developers” by eWeek.
  4. F# is Greater than C#” by Aaron Erickson.
  5. Why F#?” by Richard Minerich.
  6. The Unheralded Benefits of the F# Programming Language” by Aaron Erickson
  7. F# in the Enterprise” by Visual F# Team.
  8. F# in the Enterprise” by Simon Cousins.
  9. Nine reasons to use F#” by Brian.
  10. Why not F#?” by Fredrik Holmstrom.
  11. Why F#?” by Joel Pobar.
  12. Why F#?” by Mike James.
  13. Why F# *ROCKS!*” by M. David Peterson.
  14. Why F#?” by Carey Cilyok.
  15. Why F#” by 2#4u.

Some discussions:

  1. Why F# Why Not C#?
  2. Why should I use F#?
  3. When & Where do we use F#?
  4. Why is F# so special?
  5. In what areas might the use of F# be more appropriate than C#?
  6. What are the benefits of using C# vs F# or F# vs C#?
  7. Anyone Actually Using F# in Production?
  8. What’s wrong with F#?
  9. What is the case against F#?
  10. Why should a .net developer learn F#?

If you still do not use F#, it is a good time to read stories from the others and think one more time.

P.S. If you know any other interesting posts/discussions about why people like or dislike F#, please, leave a link in comments. Thanks.

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